Did you know Result Builders only arrived this year?
Sometimes, it's hard to understand what a full year brought to us. I've been looking back this week and realized how big of a year it has been.
The release of Xcode Cloud and the new Concurrency framework are two of my highlights. Both have a significant impact on how we develop apps today.
In a way, it's also exciting to think of what the future will bring. Both Xcode Cloud and async/await have been on my wishlist for the past few years. Though, now that they arrived, I don't have a big wish ready for 2022 anymore!
Yet, there's a lot to come. New sponsors are already lined up, and the January and February giveaways are waiting to be released to you.
Thanks a lot for reading my newsletter, articles, and tweets this year. It's been a massive year in terms of traffic and reach, which makes me incredibly motivated to deliver you even more valuable content in 2022.
Happy New Year! |