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RocketSim: An Essential Developer Tool
as recommended by Apple

Issue 199
Feb 18, 2025

SwiftLee Unwrapped!

Time flies when you're having fun. This is the year's last issue, and it's time to look back.

I've created a special newsletter for you showcasing the eight most popular articles based on the number of clicks in all SwiftLee Weekly issues.

While my weekly article covers a detailed overview of my 2023 achievements, I'd like to highlight one of my biggest learnings this year: focus.

I shared this before in my article Side Projects: 10 Tips for being successful, but it wasn't easy to retain for me, too. In the third quarter of 2023 I decided to focus a lot on Stock Analyzer, while I also had to prepare my talk for NSSpain & BA: Swiftable. While it was not necessarily a wrong decision, I could tell from RocketSim's statistics that I didn't focus on improvements that quarter.

My main focus for 2024 will be on growing both SwiftLee & RocketSim, and I'll take this learning as a motivation to concentrate even more in the coming quarters. The most significant growth is achieved by focusing on one project rather than distributing efforts across multiple.

Thank you for all your support this year, and all the best for 2024. 

Enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!


Reflecting on your achievements is a great way to celebrate what you've reached. I'm extremely proud of all my results and can't to continue this journey next year. Head's up: I'm sharing my goals for 2024!


Recommend by Apple as "Essential Apps for Developers", RocketSim helps you build apps faster with features like location simulation, push notification testing, Simulator Airplane mode, and design tools like grids and rulers. Get it from the Mac App Store.



Protocols remain popular in 2023! The most popular article of this year’s SwiftLee Weekly editions is this article on protocols by JC Pastant.


Vincent Pradeilles is one of the best in sharing little tips on Swift, and they turned out to be popular! He’s second this year, but his other articles reached positions six and seven.


This tip by Hidde van der Ploeg on printing SwiftUI View changes is the third most popular link of 2023. You can read my article Debugging SwiftUI views: what caused that change? if you want to know more about this technique.


Rony shared an article with 30 (!!) tips, and that clearly attracted many of my newsletter readers.


My favorite “What’s new in Swift” articles are written by Paul Hudson, and you agreed!


SwiftUI is still relatively new, and we’re all debating which patterns or architectures to use. Unsurprisingly, this article by Azam Sharp became the 8th most popular link in 2023.


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Help me reach my Sponsor goal on GitHub or try my Xcode Developer Tool RocketSim.