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Give your simulator superpowers

RocketSim: An Essential Developer Tool
as recommended by Apple

Issue 161
Feb 18, 2025

An unexpected extra post.

If you followed my Twitter, you noticed an extra article last Saturday. I was able to run Xcode on top of the iPad Simulator. Or, well, you'll find out.

After looking back at Q1, it's time to take you through my Q2 goals:

- Grow MRR to $2350
- Grow followers to 43.648
- Grow RocketSim followers to 3.300
- Grow Newsletter subscribers to 15.732

Without going into specifics for each goal, it's important to understand I've made them stretch goals: reaching 80% is realistic, but I want to push myself further (stretch myself).

By doing so, I aim to reach even higher goals. You could see last week, I've been able to do so for my Q1 goals, so let's repeat that!

Watch out for a new SwiftLee Giveaway in this week's edition, and enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!


After spending several hours debugging a new Network Extension for RocketSim, I wrote down my learnings in case I need to revisit this journey. If you're new to macOS development, this article can be great for education. Custom scheme solutions and OS logs allowed me to find a new way of developing.


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This month you’re able to win a ticket for the AppDevCon conference!



Celebrating our fantastic community with the Hacking with Swift Community Awards nominations!

I didn’t know these alerts existed, let alone how to implement them! Introduced in iOS 12, it’s about time we get to understand them by following this article by Igor Kulman.

If you’re focused on keeping your binary as small as possible, this article by Asif will be helpful. He had to keep his production app under 200MB, which this technique helped achieve.

Daniel Saidi takes you on a journey of grouping and sorting values into a dictionary using generics and extensions.

Premature optimization can be a killer for productivity but also prepare you for the future. Should you optimize for likeliness? Azam shares his thoughts.


While preparing for his talk, Pol Piella shares code ahead and explains how we can collect Xcode Cloud Metrics and use them in an analytics service using webhooks.


The last time I looked into sharing content using this API, it didn’t entirely work as expected (fun of betas!)—time to revisit using this article by Majid Jabrayilov.

tundsdev does a great job explaining why he and I are dragon parents and how you can test deeplinks in SwiftUI.


While there’s no Swift code in this article, reading and playing around with the many interactive examples is a delight. Bartosz Ciechanowski demonstrates how different forces, velocity, and gravity play together, which you might be able to use in your app’s animations.


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