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Issue 136
Feb 18, 2025

Handling team licenses inside a macOS application.

If there's one thing I've been struggling with since the beginning of RocketSim, it must have been allowing licenses to be bought outside of the App Store.

Some companies don't allow to reimburse purchases from the App Store, while others are looking to buy team licenses to get their whole team on board.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but currently, there's no way to allow for team licenses. I've looked at Apple Business Manager, but that turned out to be very complicated.

I guess the only way out would be to use a tool like Gumroad Licences and hope for the best when pushing the app for review.

If you're interested in the progress around team licenses for RocketSim, feel free to reply to his mail, and I'll keep you in the loop.

Please let me know if you have any feedback, tips, or experience with offering team licenses inside a Mac App Store application!

Lastly, I'm happy to announce this newsletter is now sent out to over 12K subscribers! 🎉

Enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!
Note: this should've been last Tuesday's issue, but due to a server issue I had to sent out issue 35 first.


Last week, I added the first alternate icon set to the WeTransfer application. While I hope to add many more later, this has been a great start! In this article, I'll explain how I've implemented both the SwiftUI View and the configuration of alternate icon sets in Xcode.


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Build a navigation stack with different destinations based on value mapping. Majid Jabrayilov continues his series on SwiftUI navigation with a detailed article using the NavigationPath type.
Did you know you could do this now in iOS 16? Pol Piella discovered and shared! A new API to get the location of a tap inside a SwiftUI view.
Scaling custom fonts for dynamic type is essential to improve your accessibility support. Sarun W. explains how this works when using custom fonts in SwiftUI.


When developing SDKs or packages targeting multiple platforms, handling platform-specific code is important. Pol Piella describes several problems he runs into, including fixing target dependencies within a Swift Package definition.
One could say it’s basic knowledge, but do we all know the details about iOS’s file system? Natascha Fadeeva is here to keep you up-to-date, covering standard directories like caches, documents, and Application Support.
I know many of you are interested in The Composable Architecture (TCA) by the Point-Free team. They’ve announced another major release that benefits from Swift 5.7 features like opaque types, resulting in significant improvements.


Exciting times for those using SwiftLint! It’s soon available as a build tool plugin, and there’s a Release Candidate available with significant improvements based on using a new parser that better handles Swift 5.7 features.


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