Handling team licenses inside a macOS application.
If there's one thing I've been struggling with since the beginning of
RocketSim, it must have been allowing licenses to be bought outside of the App Store.
Some companies don't allow to reimburse purchases from the App Store, while others are looking to buy team licenses to get their whole team on board.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but currently, there's no way to allow for team licenses. I've looked at
Apple Business Manager, but that turned out to be very complicated.
I guess the only way out would be to use a tool like
Gumroad Licences and hope for the best when pushing the app for review.
If you're interested in the progress around team licenses for RocketSim, feel free to reply to his mail, and I'll keep you in the loop.
Please let me know if you have any feedback, tips, or experience with offering team licenses inside a Mac App Store application!
Lastly, I'm happy to announce this newsletter is now sent out to over
12K subscribers! 🎉
Enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!
Note: this should've been last Tuesday's issue, but due to a server issue I had to sent out issue 35 first.