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Issue 135
Feb 18, 2025

The end of a quarter: looking back and ahead!

Q3 is already behind us, which means checking in on statistics and performance. MRR for RocketSim grew from $544 to $823 while Stock Analyzer grew from $15 to $57. My goal is to reach $1000 by the year's end, which seems realistic enough.

The MRR of Stock Analyzer might seem low, but it's still almost four times higher than Q2. Always ensure to realistically look at numbers and stay motivated. Altogether, I'm super excited about what Q4 will bring.

Regarding Q4, I have a few points of focus. I'll be launching SwiftLee Jobs 2.0 soon, I'm working on Stock Analyzer 3.0, and RocketSim 9.0 will hopefully be available in December. There won't be many details right now, but follow me on Twitter, and you'll get updates as soon as possible.

What are your goals for Q4?

Enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!
Note: this is actually last week's newsletter. Turned out that a server update to PHP8 didn't break SwiftLee, but did break my newsletter service (oops). Issue 36 will be sent in two days, so a busy week ahead!


Last week at FrenchKit, Vincent Pradeilles had a great quiz explaining uninhabited types. I learned something new and decided to dive into the Never keyword this week to understand this further.


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There are many ways of iterating over a relationship, but I didn’t know about this one Kyle mentioned. It’s especially great for the example he shares for iterating over superviews.
Have you heard about SPI before? If not, you’ll enjoy this article by Marco Eidinger ‍. Spoiler: it’s a subset of an API that is only available to certain clients. You might be even more curious now!
Exploring design patterns can be a great way to improve your architecture skills when developing apps. This time, Aryaman Sharda shines a light on the Proxy Pattern in Swift.
A short but to-the-point article by Junda. I understand his initial confusion, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve experienced the same. There’s a good solution, though!
When or when not to use weak self is a common question by Swift developers. Natascha Fadeeva handles this topic in relationship to asynchronous Tasks.
If you didn’t start with Dynamic Island adoption for your app, it might be a great start to read this article by Majid Jabrayilov. He shares excellent code examples combined with rich visuals that support his explanation.


App Store rejections can be tricky, as Jeff Johnson experienced. Great learning for you to be aware of if you ever run into the same issue with app submission.


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