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Issue 128
Feb 20, 2025

The effect of the holiday season on apps and products.

SwiftLee Weekly these days will be a little less filled with content as I can tell writers are taking a holiday break. Holiday seasons impact regular patterns, impacting both this newsletter and your apps.

I'm looking at my MRR multiple times daily (yes, I'm addicted!) since it's a great motivator. Same seasonal statistics appear and show lower usage compared to other weeks.

If you're looking at your statistics, it being a blog, app, or newsletter, do realize seasons might impact your regular numbers. If possible, it's best to compare your statistics to similar seasonality, like the same week a year ago. Another option would be to run the analysis over a more extended period.

Speaking of holidays: I've got two weeks before my holiday starts! But first: conference time. I'll be attending SwiftConf, and you can find me in Frankfurt this Friday. Hopefully, I'll see you there!

Enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!


StoreKit testing helps you to verify your In-App Purchase implementation before your app goes live. A cumbersome part of this process has been updating your local StoreKit Configuration file with the latest changes from App Store Connect. I was happy to find out that a new feature in Xcode 14 allows us to automatically sync changes from App Store Connect into our local environment.


Although you can create an app simply by throwing some code together, without best practices and a robust architecture, you’ll soon end up with unmanageable spaghetti code. Learn how to create solid and maintainable apps with fewer bugs using this free guide.


In this month's SwiftLee Giveaway, you'll be able to win one of the two SwiftLeeds Conference tickets. An excellent in-person conference with talks covering SwiftUI performance, concurrency, and more.


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Grids in SwiftUI can be a powerful way to create content alignment in several ways. Majid Jabrayilov takes us through the options with both code examples and output previews.


I won't be using this technique anytime soon due to readability concerns and a potential learning curve; I did enjoy reading and getting inspired by this article from Tibor Bödecs. Two lesser-known patterns for you to explore.
It’s convenient for your users to provide Password Autofill and Natascha Fadeeva shows us that it’s relatively easy to do so. If your app offers login with passwords, consider adding this technique.
Apple announced the new regex pattern as a prominent new feature at this year’s WWDC. Though, migrating existing code to SwiftRegex might still be daunting. Pol Piella shares his journey of rewriting a regex to SwiftRegex.


Jake Mor shares 100 tips he learned from growing an iOS app to ~$5M in sales in 3 years. There are many great tips here that can help you make your apps more successful.


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