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Issue 127
Feb 18, 2025

Have you ever thought about hosting your own conference? Or how about writing a book?

These are a few of the questions I quite often get since they look like logical next steps for me after creating this newsletter and my blog. Though, I purposely decided not to do it for a few reasons.

I have a lot of respect for those organizing conferences or writing books since it takes a lot of time to do it well. I often feel like it's either or: you frequently write on a blog, or you write a book, or you host a conference.

Either way, some manage to do multiple of these. Since I have a full-time job on the side at WeTransfer, it's not manageable to host a conference next to it!

Yet, if there's one conference close to what I do, it must be SwiftLeeds. During last year's edition, I've been asked several times whether it was my conference or not. While it's not, I highly recommend going there since it was a great joy last year!

Luckily enough, you'll be able to win one of the two conference tickets in this month's SwiftLee Giveaway:

Win one of the two SwiftLeeds Conference Tickets

I'm getting ready for a journey to SwiftConf, Germany, followed by a meetup at CHECK24 in Frankfurt. Do I see you there?

Enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!


It's been a while since I've implemented Shared with You in both Stock Analyzer and WeTransfer. Still, I wanted to wait to write this article until I knew all details about testing and implementation. There are quite some pitfalls when it comes down to showing up content inside your app, so I'm pretty sure this article will be gold if you start implementing Shared with You in your apps today.


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While this article would be even better with animation examples, it’s a great reason to get your hands dirty yourself to try out the code shared by Majid Jabrayilov. I wasn’t aware of this modifier yet!
Live activities became available in beta 4 of iOS 16, and Ole Begemann decided to play around. While you won’t be able to use live activities in the first public release of iOS 16, it’s great to see some hand’s on experience shared from a developer perspective.
Conditional modifiers can be tricky, but Daniel Saidi does a great job indicating this in his article. You can also learn how to use @ViewBuilder inside a View extension to add custom modifiers for your SwiftUI code.


I enjoyed reading through this journey by Pol Piella, exploring a new build flag to verify imports of frameworks to their package definition.
A great reminder by Junda to be conscious when using functions as closure parameters since they can lead to retain cycles.
Ever heard about TCA and wondered what it means? It stands for The Composable Architecture developed by Point-Free. I wonder whether this significant update will change TCA to ACA now that it comes with concurrency support.


“Firebase helped get Driver in the early days, but we have spent nearly a year working on getting rid of it.” A strong statement was made in this article by Jason Zurita regarding dependency adoption. A great read that should inspire you to consider adding new dependencies carefully.
Matteo Manferdini is giving you tips for installing Xcode faster next time! Spoiler: installing from the App Store is one of the slowest!


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