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Issue 80
Feb 20, 2025

The importance of a recharged battery can not be underestimated.

After a great week in the Ardennes of Belgium, I've cleared my mind, and I'm ready to continue working through my backlog of development ideas.

Before my holiday, I planned my weekly article and newsletter issue to be fully offline from weekly SwiftLee related work. Doing so allowed me to step back, relax, and enjoy valuable times together with my family.

First up is preparing my SwiftLeeds talk covering data races and actors. I can't wait to attend the first in-person conference in a while and meet some of you.

In Q4, I'll focus on improving SwiftLee Jobs to add new features for you to enjoy while searching for a new job opportunity. Stay tuned.

Enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!


I've often found myself looking at crashes in Firebase without having any clue about the cause. Oftentimes, I've been able to reproduce those crashes by using the Thread Sanitizer and solved them accordingly. With the new Actors in the Swift Concurrency Framework, it should become even easier to prevent data race related bugs.


With a few lines of code, RevenueCat gives you everything you need to build, analyze, and grow in-app purchases and subscriptions without managing servers or writing backend code. Get started for free.



An easy mistake to make with big consequences if not used carefully enough. When breakpointOnError reaches your production code, it will actually crash your app. Time for a SwiftLint rule?
For every OS update, it’s important to test back and forth. Keith Harrison explains to us why this is important, this time in regards to stack views.
Although you probably won’t often use the sleep method, it’s good to understand its differences. Marin Todorov explains to you how both differ.


It’s great to see Majid Jabrayilov posting another article on accessibility this week. This time, he’s covering Accessibility rotors to provide custom VoiceOver navigation for your views.


I really hope better times are coming soon; in fact, in a few weeks, I’ll have my first in-person conference in years! Though, there are important stories to be shared due to the last months in COVID causing a lot of stress and changes we didn’t like. I really appreciate James Thomson sharing his story.

If you’ve just opened this email on Tuesday 14th of September, it’s probably time to click this link and watch today’s Apple event. Hopefully, this event comes with a new Xcode as well, as I’m ready to start implementing async/await on iOS 14!


Is your company hiring too? Post your job position for free at SwiftLee Jobs and reach thousands of developers.
DockYard is seeking help to complete a high-value open source project. You should be experienced in SiwftUI and building idiomatic modern Swift based iOS apps. Experience with Elixir/Phoenix a plus. is leading the charge on the shift-left in mobile engineering. We’re an ambitious team looking looking for a world-class iOS engineer who is passionate about building novel tooling for...
Playground is looking for iOS Software Engineers (all levels) to build the next generation of shapeable, intelligent products. Join the team in London 🇬🇧 or remote 🏝.
Work with Swift, SwiftUI, and Combine in a project that’s fully written in Swift. A modular foundation built with Swift Package Manager makes it a great project to work in.


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