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RocketSim: An Essential Developer Tool
as recommended by Apple

Issue 184
Sep 12, 2023

Marketing your apps at conferences.

It's something new I'll be trying in Q3 and Q4 by sponsoring both NSSpain and Do iOS. I've designed this flyer and printed a thousand copies—the QR code links to the RocketSim website, including UTM parameters. Doing so allows me to see how many users visited the website and potentially installed the app.

Sponsorships can be expensive and might not return into enough subscriptions to make up for the costs, but it's a great way to put your app in front of excited developers who might start discussing it with others while at the conference.

Of course, this doesn't work for all apps: RocketSim is a developer tool and a perfect fit for conferences. However, investing earnings into marketing in general can be a great way to grow.

I plan to review both campaigns' performance and report to you ASAP.

p.s. Don't miss this month's giveaway

Enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!


Little improvements can make a significant impact on the code we write today. I love fundamental enhancements that reduce the lines of code we write while retaining readability. One of those features landed in Swift 5.9 and touches single-expressions inside switch and if statements.


If you’re a mid/senior iOS developer looking to improve your skills and salary level, join this 100% free online crash course. It's available only until October 1st, so click to get it now!


One of the conferences closest to my brand name: SwiftLeeds. Note that I'm not part of organizing the conference in any way, but I am a big fan! It's a great conference to attend and you'll be able to win a ticket by joining now



The RC of iOS 17 is around the corner, and your widgets require an update if you did not do so. Lee Kah Seng is here to explain the necessary changes.

A note to myself that I should add a Help menu to my Mac apps. It turns out that it will still be populated if you don’t. However, clicking the default help button will open an alert saying help isn’t available. Not the best experience!


Understanding how self gets captured inside closures can already be complicated, but what if you have a closure inside a closure? It happens to be a discussion I have had within the WeTransfer team lately. Vincent Pradeilles helps you further understand.

SwiftData is still in its early days, which can lead to you hitting its limitations. Fatbobman decided to write an open-source package to unlock the missing potential. Note: The library is experimental and sensitive to changes since SwiftData is still young.

One of my favorite examples of a Macro in action: the #URL macro. It’s an example from my Macros article and developed into an open-sourced ready-to-use package by David Steppenbeck.


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