The mental challenge of unexpected adverse events.
After months of delay, our sunshade finally got installed two weeks ago. Last weekend, it broke and fell off the wall due to weak construction. On top of that, Bernie (
our dog) ate my book, which I almost finished reading. As a coincidence, it was precisely the last chapter that became unreadable.
As you can imagine, staying positive and happy was mentally tough. However, it's precisely these events that I find exciting psychological challenges.
The book is replaceable, the sunshade will be fixed, and nobody was hurt. In a few weeks or months, this will be a fun story to share at somebodies birthday. Trying to make fun of these events earlier will make it much easier to leave the negative behind.
Similar events can happen while developing apps. Staying positive and learning from mistakes will make you more experienced, setting you up for future growth.
Enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!