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Issue 170
Feb 18, 2025

WWDC Christmas.

We can call this week of new presents WWDC Christmas. I can't describe how excited I am about all the new updates we've received this year.

I've been lucky enough to join WWDC in person this year, and it feels like we're slowly growing back towards the old days of dub-dub: the community energy, the parties, and three days of Apple events. I hope we'll return to a whole week of events next year, combining community-driven and Apple-hosted events.

While Apple Vision Pro is the big announcement for many this year, I've been personally excited about SwiftData, Macros, and the new Observation framework. Combined with Vision Pro, you can expect many new articles from me over the rest of the year.

Lastly: don't feel pressured to watch all WWDC sessions as soon as possible. I recommend watching the more prominent "What's new sessions" and taking note of the more in-depth ones. Whenever you're in the context of a particular topic, you can watch those specific sessions and apply the learnings directly.

Have fun with all the new changes, and enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!


SwiftUI introduced a new component called ContentUnavailableView. It allows you to easily handle empty search results or network request failures. The standard variants speed up development even more with ready-to-use and localized outputs.


This month's giveaway allowed you to win one of the 3 spots for Michael Flarup's App Icon Design Masterclass

I'm happy to announce Oskar, A. Damasceno, and O. Brin are the winners of this giveaway. You'll be contacted soon!


Stream's Chat SDK helps you build beautiful chat applications with as little code as possible. With our SDKs, you can bring high-quality chat experiences to all of your end users. SDKs available for UIKit and SwiftUI.



Paul Hudson takes you through the latest changes in Swift 5.9 announced during WWDC 2023.

If you’re looking for a quick visual overview of new changes in Swift and Xcode, Vincent Pradeilles got you covered.


I love these changes to SwiftUI that didn’t make it into the SOTU. Matthaus Woolard visualizes the new ControlGroup that mimics what you know from long-pressing app icons.


While many of you might focus on SwiftUI, there are some changes on UIKit as well. Jordan Morgan mentions it’s getting fewer updates yearly, but it’s good to see compatibility exists for new views like UIContentUnavailableView.

It’s not always fun to see your open-source project getting Sherlocked by Apple, but in this case, I’m super happy about it! Sarun explains how you can create previews for UIKit and AppKit views.


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