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Give your simulator superpowers

RocketSim: An Essential Developer Tool
as recommended by Apple

Issue 149
Jan 10, 2023

Making you develop apps faster.

That could be a single sentence to describe my goal of building RocketSim. While the next major release has just seen the light, I'm already working towards RocketSim 9.1.

As an engineer, you're constantly doing repetitive tasks. Implementing support for deeplinks requires you to trigger deeplinks constantly to verify whether the flow works as expected. Push Notifications come with deeplinks as well and also require repetition.

The latest release of RocketSim focuses precisely on these flows and allows you to test faster and more efficiently. Expect more releases this year, focusing on making you develop apps faster.

Enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!


I'm proud to announce the next major release of RocketSim, introducing a fresh design and new Quick Actions. You'll be able to grant, revoke, and reset permissions with one click for privacy settings like Photo Access. Also new in this release are Push Notifications, allowing you to test them in the Simulator.


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Dependency Injection is a hot topic to discuss. I wrote about it before and recognized patterns in this solution by Point-Free. Their solution is much more advanced, using the latest Swift technologies like Property Wrappers and async/await.

Marco Eidinger ‍ explains how you can prevent anything from being copied from your app, which can help protect specific data. One of his solutions includes swizzling, which is interesting to read about.


If you’re considering Xcode Cloud, you probably have thought about solving the execution of tools like Fastlane and CocoaPods. Pol Piella got you covered and explains how this works.

Junda is opinionated in this article to stay away entirely from image literals. He shares several reasons why, and I have to say that I recognize many of them. Hopefully, a future Xcode version will bring us to a better state.


This article by Alexey Alter-Pesotskiy reminded me of my early days as an iOS engineer. I triggered monkey tests through the terminal to validate my app written in Objective-C. Monkey tests can be a great way to find hidden bugs by letting a ‘monkey’ tap wildly through your app.


I’ve been following Paul Hudson for a while, but I never knew about his apps in the App Store. In his latest newsletter, he shares his journey of finding success on the App Store. A fun and inspiring story to read.


Last November, I hosted my first panel at Do Ios, and I still hope my mom didn’t see this part of the panel. You can now rewatch the whole panel and see us discuss topics like Combine vs. async/await, the future of Swift, and whether you should use SPM.


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