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RocketSim: An Essential Developer Tool
as recommended by Apple

Issue 125
Feb 18, 2025

Becoming a better engineer by looking at existing code from Apple and Swift.

It's a technique I often apply when working on my projects. Last weekend, I developed a new major release of SwiftUIKitView. I created a composition layer for this release based on the SwiftUI modifiers architecture.

Every modification you apply using the "set(, to: )" modifier results in a new inheritance layer with a reference to a parent modifier. At SwiftUI redraw, the modifiers will call each other to apply each modification step. You can learn more about this by looking at the source code.

While the above explanation might be too detailed for this newsletter intro, it does explain how I got inspired by looking at SwiftUI modifiers and code structure. I do the same for API definitions and method declarations while closely examining the official Swift API Design Guidelines. Hopefully, I've inspired you to explore and look at code this way. It helps me write better code solutions, at least!

Lastly, I'm happy to announce the winners of this month's SwiftLee Giveaway, in which you were able to win one of the five Sourcery Pro licenses:
  • Jonny Baird
  • Ivan Cantarino
  • Fsakellaropoulos
  • Bas Kerkhoven
  • Guilherme Mogames
I'll get in touch with you for further details. For all others: stay tuned, as a new giveaway will follow soon!

Enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!


While we would probably write most of our new views in SwiftUI, Apple still releases new frameworks with UIKit views only. For example, the new Shared with You framework comes with a SWAttributionView that is only available in UIKit. I'm not sure about you, but I'm not a big fan of writing bridges for each UIKit view using the UIViewRepresentable protocol. Therefore, I decided to rewrite my SwiftUIKitView library and make it production ready.


Although you can create an app simply by throwing some code together, without best practices and a robust architecture, you’ll soon end up with unmanageable spaghetti code. Learn how to create solid and maintainable apps with fewer bugs using this free guide.


Get your job positions listed on all 190+ SwiftLee articles and 4 SwiftLee Weekly editions. Read more.
Browse Swift-related Jobs, or add your own on SwiftLee Jobs.


At the moment you’re reading this, you’ll likely have a few hours, if not minutes, to join me in this live session with Ariel From Appfigures. We’ll explain how you can outrank your competitors by growing your ratings. We discuss best practices, limitations, and how you can gain more ratings.



Nikita Ermolenko starts this article by linking the topic to a question he often got during interview processes. The UIResponder chain is an interesting topic to dive into and contains several parts. In this article, you’ll learn about UITouch, but you can expect more coverage in upcoming articles he promises.
While we get a lot of accessibility implementations for free when using SwiftUI, it’s not complete. Jordan Morgan is here to explain the value of adding accessibility actions to your views.
The keyboard can often be in your way when working with SwiftUI views. Sarun W. explains how you can manage keyboard dismissal when scrolling using a new modifier introduced in iOS 16.
I often use simple convenience methods myself to build URL Requests, but I enjoyed reading this approach by Oleg Dreyman. You might like his library, but you’ll at least learn from the path he takes to building a convenience layer for building complex URL requests.


I’ve been impressed by the work Eric Vitiello delivers. Do you recognize all backgrounds without looking them up?


This podcast episode will only be interesting for those that understand Dutch or like to listen to Dutch while don’t understand anything. I’ve had a great conversation with the team behind Codeklets Podcast and discussed many topics related to my development career.
Aryaman Sharda interviewed me for his Indie Watch series, asking me questions about the history of RocketSim and how it became the app it is today. I enjoyed how Aryaman added his thoughts to the interview, sharing how he benefits from tools like RocketSim. Make sure to follow his newsletter and check out previous issues.


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