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Give your simulator superpowers

RocketSim: An Essential Developer Tool
as recommended by Apple

Issue 123
Feb 20, 2025

Developer tools to increase productivity.

It's honestly one of my favorite things to do: finding a specific workflow that's time-consuming and trying to improve it for the whole team. The result often comes down to many engineers being more productive, potentially staying more in their flow.

RocketSim started with a simple HTML page full of deeplinks to transfers we would use during testing in the WeTransfer application. Eventually, I created a simple Mac app to manage those deeplinks dynamically and share them with the team. Today, RocketSim contains many more features helping thousands of developers every month to be more productive.

Krzysztof Zabłocki has the same passion I just described and went even further. His blog describes many tools that each increase productivity in their way. If you're into these tools, I encourage you to check them out.

But there's more! I'm happy to announce this month's SwiftLee Giveaway, allowing you to win one of the five Sourcery Pro licenses!

Join this month's SwiftLee Giveaway and win one of the five Sourcery Pro licenses

Good luck, and enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!


Apple announced new endpoints for the App Store Connect API during WWDC 2022, and today I'm happy to announce the latest release of my App Store Connect Swift SDK, adding support for all these new endpoints. To explain how this works, you can read this article introducing the API with an example code for you to use.


If you struggle to answer key performance, stability, and health questions about your iOS mobile apps, then you have a mobile data problem. Learn how true mobile-first visibility can accelerate your feature velocity and significantly reduce your issue remediation timelines by joining this free webinar.


Get your job positions listed on all 190+ SwiftLee articles and 4 SwiftLee Weekly editions. Read more.
Browse Swift-related Jobs, or add your own on SwiftLee Jobs.


Organized by Devpass I’ll be having a Q&A session this Thursday. In an hour full of questions I’ll share you my thoughts regarding UIKit vs SwiftUI, the future of iOS development, and making a career as an Swift developer. See you there?



There are many ways of contributing to the Swift community. You can write an article, perform a talk at a meetup or conference, or you contribute to open-source frameworks. To name a few, since there are many more! It’s easy to take these contributions for granted, but there’s a lot of work and energy behind these productions. The Swift Package Index is another one of those, developed by Dave Verwer and Sven Schmidt. If you enjoy their work and Swift Package Index, I encourage you to consider helping them out by sponsoring. Maybe that’s your way of contributing to the community!
Only the sketch note created by Feli is enough to click on this link if you ask me. I enjoyed this overview of Swift language announcements of WWDC22. The article contains code examples and links to continue reading if you like.
Finding out whether all elements in an array conform to a specific condition can be done in several ways. You might use a filter combined with ‘isEmpty,’ or you can use ‘contains’ followed by a boolean check. However, the ‘allSatisfy’ function is a much better choice, and Aryaman Sharda explains how it works.


Many of you were happy to see this new addition arrive in SwiftUI this year. Multiline text fields are much easier to achieve starting from iOS 16, and Nikita Ermolenko explains how this works.
NavigationStack and NavigationPath are new in SwiftUI this year, but how does the latter work under the hood? Point-Free decided to dive in and share the details.

WWDC 2022

If you work with Core Data, you probably have many questions that aren’t always answered through documentation. WWDC labs are a perfect way of getting the answers you need, precisely what Keith Harrison did. Curious to find more best practices? Check out Core Data Best Practices on GitHub.
Noah shines a light on iOS 16 launch time performance improvements. At WeTransfer, we closely monitor app launch performance, so I’m keen to see how our numbers will improve when iOS 16 gets adopted more widely.
A privacy change I didn’t notice is the one regarding pasteboard data. Sarun W. brings us up to date with the latest iOS 16 changes.


My most used commands in LLDB are definitely ‘p’ and ‘po’, but ‘v’ can also be helpful! Curious about their differences? Natascha Fadeeva go us covered.


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