Grids, Rulers, Derived Data, and 10K!
What a week it was. RocketSim 8.0 arrived with support for Grids and Rulers on top of the Simulator. You can now also delete your Derived data either globally or per app. Make sure to check out this week's article for more information.
The App Icon has been quite a journey. It started with
my iterations, after which Michael Flarup shared
his iteration, inspiring me to what I thought would be
the final iteration. However, Adam Whitcroft was excited about the iterations and decided to open Blender and create
this awesome Rocket. If you're looking for an app icon yourself, reach out to Michael or Adam since they are super talented icon designers!
Another significant milestone was reaching the 10K subscribers for this newsletter. Over the past months, there's been steady growth, showing me a genuine interest in curated articles. It motivates me to keep on going, inspiring you with what I think are the best articles from the community every week.
Thank you all for your support, and enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!