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Give your simulator superpowers

RocketSim: An Essential Developer Tool
as recommended by Apple

Issue 106
Feb 20, 2025

Increasing productivity to develop faster.

It's one of the things I like most: developing tools or apps to increase productivity while developing apps.

A few years back, I started developing RocketSim with this mindset. We often tested universal links for our Collect application, and I needed an easier way to open those links in the Simulator quickly.

Now, four years later, I had another need: quickly resetting privacy permissions and accessing common folders. The latter allows me to verify how our apps store files: do we delete files when expected? Do we only store what's needed? I can check this by opening the Documents directory through the new Recent Builds feature.

I hope you'll enjoy the newest version of RocketSim. If you can't wait to try it out: download here.

Lastly: don't forget this month's free giveaway and enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!


RocketSim 7.0 is live today and introduces a new feature called Recent Builds. Access common folders like the app bundle and documents directory, or reset and grant permissions for privacy options like Photo, Location, and Camera access.


Runway connects with all your existing tools (think GitHub, CI, App Store Connect, etc.) to automate releases and make them less of an ‘event’. With a single source of truth and hands-free kickoff, submit, and release, avoid the usual cat-herding and focus on real work. Get started for free.


You can currently explore a few job listings at, but it would be even better if you could ask your company if you're hiring, posting a featured job listing, and I'll donate the earnings to Ukraine.

I started this effort last week but unfortunately didn't receive any new job listings. I bet many of you work at a company that's hiring, so why not send a quick message to your hiring manager?

"Hey! Can we post our iOS job position on It might speed up our hiring!"

That should make it even easier!
Browse more Swift related Jobs, or add your own on SwiftLee Jobs.



I always enjoy articles covering a specific niece. In this case, Marco Eidinger explains a new feature introduced in Xcode 13.3 allowing to download binary assets from private GitHub repositories using SPM.
Xcode 13.3 arrived and bundled Swift 5.6 with a few new features. A few smaller and bigger additions, for which you can expect some new articles in the upcoming weeks.
None of the apps I’ve written supported State Restoration, but I think it can be a great added value for many apps. Majid Jabrayilov explains what it is and how it works in SwiftUI.
Many of us have used the sink operator in Combine, but do we all know which queue will execute the receive value closure? Leonardo Pugliese decided to dive in and research accordingly.


It’s good to know I’m not always linking to new articles. This article by Doordash is a few years old but still very relevant if you ask me. The Memory Graph Debugger is a great tool to find and resolve memory leaks which I find myself often using.


Breakpoints are great for debugging. Whenever you find yourself adding the same breakpoint to each project, you'll find this tip by Dominik Hauser quite useful. I always use this to configure the Reveal breakpoint for each project. While you're at it: you might enjoy this tip too.
Pre-Commit hooks can be a great added value when used smartly. At WeTransfer, we’re using it to perform SwiftFormat to take away the need to run at each build. Aryaman Sharda inspires us with even more possibilities.


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