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User Defaults reading and writing in Swift

User Defaults are the go-to solution for Swift applications to store preferences that persist across launches of your app. It’s a key-value store backed by a property list (plist) file. Due to this type of backing store, you need to be aware of the supported storage types. There are a few best practices when working … 


App Intent driven development in Swift and SwiftUI

App Intent driven development can help you architect your code for reusability. An app intent allows you to define an action or provide content as a result. Using intents, you can extend custom functionality and data to support system-level services like Shortcuts, Siri, Spotlight, and the Action button. You might have created App Intents Spotlight … 


If and switch expressions in Swift

Swift 5.9 introduced if and switch expressions that allow you to write shorter code by omitting the return keyword. The feature resembles Swift 5.1’s ability to omit the return keyword in single expressions inside closures. While shorter code doesn’t necessarily always lead to more readable code, omitting return keywords inside if and switch expressions certainly …