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Extensions in Swift: How and when to use them

Extensions in Swift allow you to extend an existing class, struct, enumeration, or protocol with new functionality. Whether it’s a custom type defined by you or a current type inside of a framework, extensions can create custom accessors and enhance the types you work with. So-called retroactive modeling allows you to extend types for which … 


Status bar overrides in the iOS Simulator

Status bar overrides in the iOS Simulator allow you to change the appearance of the network, cellular, time, and battery. You can use this feature to beautify your screenshots and ensure a consistent appearance across, for example, your App Store screenshots. While functionality for overriding the iOS status bar has existed since Xcode 11, it … 


SwiftLee Weekly benefits

Here’s a unique welcome gift I’m only sharing with my newsletter subscribers: Download the “10 Tips to get your app featured in the App Store” PDF Course Discount: From Side Project to Going Indie Get a 10% discount on SwiftLee Courses, starting with my first course, From Side Project to Going Indie. Discounts from Friends …