Give your simulator superpowers

RocketSim: An Essential Developer Tool
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Antoine van der Lee Indie Developer & Founder of SwiftLee Developing iOS apps since 2009. Former Staff iOS Engineer at WeTransfer, Amsterdam Newsletter The best way to follow my work is by following my weekly newsletter. Read more or follow directly: Interviews Indie Watch Issue 9: RocketSim by Antoine van der Lee Aryaman Sharda asked … 


Updating to Swift 4.2

Swift 4.2 is a major release and shipped with Xcode 10. It comes with a lot of code improvements for which the best way to start is to watch the WWDC 2018: Whatโ€™s New in Swift session. Some of the improvements are easy to implement in your existing code. Replace strongSelf with self SE-0079 makes … 


Where usage in Swift

Where is a powerful keyword within Swift to easily filter out values. It can be used in many different variants from which most of them are listed in this post. Usage in a switch Consider having the following enum: Using where you can easily filter the case for a specific age range: Usage in a …