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Weak self and unowned self explained in Swift

Weak self and unowned self in Swift for many of us are hard to understand. Although Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) solved a lot for us already, we still need to manage references when we’re not working with value types. When writing Swift code we often run into situation while writing things like closures. Those situations … 


Typealias usage in Swift

A typealias in Swift is literally an alias for an existing type. Simple, isn’t it? They can be useful in making your code a bit more readable. By using them in a smart way they can be really useful in your codebase. Declaring a typealias A typealias can be declared in Swift using the typealias … 


@unknown default usage with enums in Swift

@unknown default has been introduced in Swift 5 with SE-0192. It’s a new addition to the way we can work with Swift enums and helps us to prepare for future changes. After updating your project to Swift 5 you might end up with a new warning in Xcode 10.2: Switch covers known cases, but ‘UNAuthorizationStatus’ may …