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@Published risks and usage explained with code examples

@Published is one of the property wrappers in SwiftUI that allows us to trigger a view redraw whenever changes occur. You can use the wrapper combined with the ObservableObject protocol, but you can also use it within regular classes. It’s essential to understand how the published property wrapper works since it can easily lead to … 


@StateObject vs. @ObservedObject: The differences explained

The @StateObject and @ObservedObject property wrappers tell a SwiftUI view to update in response to changes from an observed object. Both wrappers look similar but have an essential distinction to be aware of when building apps in SwiftUI. At first, you might wonder why you wouldn’t just always use @ObservedObject. I thought the same for … 


How to use the Redacted View Modifier in SwiftUI with useful extensions

The redacted view modifier in SwiftUI allows us to create a so-called skeleton view while our data is loading. Using a skeleton view instead of a spinner lets the user get a sense of how our views will look once the data is loaded. The user experience is smoother and gives the feeling of faster … 


@EnvironmentObject explained for sharing data between views in SwiftUI

@EnvironmentObject is part of the family of SwiftUI Property Wrappers that can make working with SwiftUI views a little easier. Sharing data between views can be challenging when working in SwiftUI, especially when we have a lot of child views being dependent on the same piece of data. We could solve dependency injection by inserting … 


Self-documenting code in Swift to increase readability

Self-documenting code helps explain a piece of code to other developers on a project without the need for actual documentation. The readability of our code is an essential part of making code easier to understand for developers that didn’t write the code. You could argue that it’s even crucial for yourself since you might visit … 


Tasks in Swift explained with code examples

Tasks in Swift are part of the concurrency framework introduced at WWDC 2021. A task allows us to create a concurrent environment from a non-concurrent method, calling methods using async/await. When working with tasks for the first time, you might recognize familiarities between dispatch queues and tasks. Both allow dispatching work on a different thread … 


Guard statements in Swift explained with code examples

Guard statements in Swift allow us to implement checks into our code that prevents the current scope from continuing. When writing code, we often have certain required conditions before continuing a method. An example can be unwrapping an optional input field before submitting a form. Required conditions can be either a boolean value that needs … 


Writing Swift Articles: Tips to become a better writer

Writing Swift articles is a great way to become a better engineer and is often seen as a required skill for Senior developers. By writing down your knowledge or learnings around a topic, you’re creating your knowledge base, which you can revisit whenever you want. At the same time, you’re contributing to the community by … 


Swift in 2021: A Year in Review

One of the best years for Swift is close to reaching its end. Time flies when you’re having fun, and I can tell you that we’ve had enough reason to enjoy developing with Swift this year. Big releases like Xcode Cloud and the new Swift Concurrency changes have set the direction of developing apps in … 


Reflection in Swift: How Mirror works

Reflection in Swift allows us to use the Mirror API to inspect and manipulate arbitrary values at runtime. Even though Swift puts a lot of emphasis on static typing, we can get the flexibility to gain more control over types than you might expect. I’ve been planning to explore the Mirror API for a long …