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App Store Optimization for your App Store Page

App Store Optimization can help people discover your app on the App Store for iPhone and iPad. With some useful tips, you can easily optimize yours.

During a WWDC App Store lab feedback session, I’ve gathered some really useful tips on our WeTransfer app.

Title, subtitle and promotional text

These are one of the most important descriptions of your app. It turned out that our subtitle didn’t subscribe the usage of the app at all.

  1. Make sure to optimize it for search. Include related words which are likely to be used by people to search for your app
  2. Use the promotional text for periodic sales in your app or to target on seasonally. An example usage for our WeTransfer app:

Collect all your summer/vacation pictures and share them with your friends and family

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App Store Assets

Take as a general rule that these assets describe your app to the user. Make sure that the user gets an idea of what your app does.

  1. Localise your app store assets
  2. Add an App Store preview video to make it really easy for the user to get an idea of your app. Read more about recording it here: Capture iOS simulator video for App Preview


Keywords categorize your app and should be related. Think about terms which users will relate to your app and are likely to be used for searching.

  1. Keywords should not be the same as the title and subtitle. Any words in those titles can be removed from your keywords list
  2. Spaces aren’t needed and only fill up, well, space
  3. Target keywords per country as they might not be as valuable for each country. Take a moment to search per store and see if the results match with your expectation
  4. Use file instead of files, plurals are added automatically and this saves space for new keywords
  5. Fill it up, add as many keywords as possible. They all weight the same
  6. Prevent keywords which probably are related to a lot of apps like large and combine were for our app

Basically, think of your user per country. What are they searching for and how do they try to find your app? An easy start is trying to search for your own app and check if App Store optimization is needed.


It’s obvious that an app with a high rating is more likely to be downloaded than a lower rated app. It’s worth the effort to implement a way to ask your users for feedback. Check out the SKStoreReviewController API and read more about it here: How Buienradar got 800 reviews with 4+ stars.

App Store optimization using Search Ads

Search Ads is an efficient and easy way to help people discover your app on the App Store for iPhone and iPad. Competitors can use it to appear in the top of the search results while searching for a similar app like yours.

It’s worth checking this out to investigate the potential.

  1. Competitor names can be used to target on
  2. Assets can be uploaded per keyword for specific targetting

Read more about it here.

Antoine van der Lee

Written by

Antoine van der Lee

iOS Developer since 2010, former Staff iOS Engineer at WeTransfer and currently full-time Indie Developer & Founder at SwiftLee. Writing a new blog post every week related to Swift, iOS and Xcode. Regular speaker and workshop host.

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